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GO TRI Training Focus: Freedom Leisure


Woking Leisure Centre and Pool in the Park are just two of a number of Leisure Centres across England that organise GO TRI training events. Read on to find out what sessions they do and how you can get involved.

How long have you been running GO TRI training sessions for?

Sessions started on the 5th of February this year, so we're in our 8th month now.

How many people attend each session?

Sessions regularly see 5 - 10 attendants meaning the instructor can get to know each and every individual and there's a great community feel.

When are the sessions? 

Sessions run every Wednesday from 19.45-21.15. Each training session consists of a swim from 19.45-20.30 followed by either a run, spin or gym session.

Who is the training aimed at?

Sessions are aimed for complete multi-sport beginners aged 16+.

How do people book on and how much do sessions cost?

Participants can book in person at Woking Leisure Centre or Pool in the Park reception, by calling - 01483 771122 or online at - (Woking Leisure Centre/Pool in the Park).

Prices are as follows:

Key Fitness/Aqua members - included.
Standard - £7.70
Key Card Status - £5.20
Key Card Concession - £3.20

(Key Cards can be purchashed from Woking Leisure Centre/Pool in the Park reception for £7.50 for the year and entitle you to several discounts).

For more information about GO TRI click here.



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