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The New Code for Governance and what it means for Triathlon England


In October 2016, a New Code for Sports Governance was launched by the Government.  The Code aims to drive forward the levels of transparency, accountability and financial integrity that will be required from sports who ask for Government and National Lottery funding.

Triathlon is committed to working with and delivering the Code and we want you, our members to be assured that we are doing all that we can to comply. As a young, modern and dynamic sport and we are proud of our current levels of governance but we want to do and be the best that we can. 

The code is proportionate, expecting the highest standards of governance from organisations requesting the largest public investments. Triathlon as a sport receives large public investment.  As such, we are required to meet the most stringent of the code requirements.  We take good governance very seriously and it is already one of our five strategic pillars. This sends a strong and positive message to our funders, stakeholders, clubs and members.

Since the launch of the Code, we have set up a specific working party consisting of:

  • Triathlon England Independent Board Member for Business - Claire Stirling
  • Triathlon England Representative for the Council - Jane Wild
  • Former Triathlon England Board Director and former Council Member (and qualified solicitor) - Lawrence Green
  • Triathlon Governance Lead and Executive Team Member - Kay Simnett

The working party has liaised at length with both the Triathlon England Board and Council, advising on the impact of the Code on our sport.

The working party has worked through the Code in detail and presented to both the Triathlon England Board and Council at two separate Board meetings to advise and make recommendations from the impact of the Code on our sport.

We want to assure you as a Member, that Triathlon England is in a good position. The changes we seek to make are relatively small when compared to other sports. Reassuringly, the Triathlon England Council, who represent the membership, have already given their agreement to and support of the proposed changes.  Some of those changes are:

  • Final approval of budgets will pass from Council to the Triathlon England Board
  • Creation of a new nominations committee for the appointment of Board Members
  • One more of the existing Board roles will have to meet the criteria of Independent Director

Positively, we already meet many of the key Code requirements including the requirement for a 30%+ gender diversity on the Board and term limits.

So, what does this mean to you?

It is fair to say that this probably won't affect you in your day to day running of your triathlon club.  What it does mean is that your club can be assured that your Sport is being run in a transparent, accountable manner, meeting the high standards of governance which both our members and indeed funders should expect.

In November, we will be running our annual AGM where there will be several amendments to our TE Regulations proposed.  As a club, you will be sent the details of these and we strongly encourage you to read through the resolutions ahead of the AGM voting requirements.

At the AGM in November a 75% positive vote is required on the proposed changes and we are very keen to encourage a good turn-out of membership.  A positive outcome will ensure Triathlon England can continue to support the development of your sport secure in the knowledge that triathlon is Code compliant. 

For more information, please go to  The information on the web page will continue to be updated as we work our way through this process, so please, if you are interested, you can continue to check for progress and more details between communications.

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