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Club Standards and Accreditation

Triathlon England, as a responsible sport National Governing Body, believes all affiliated clubs with junior members should achieve the minimum standard of TriMark Club Bronze.

  • Is your club a safe place for young triathletes to enjoy their sport?
  • Does your club provide a high quality structured coaching programme?

The answer to the above of course is yes – we just want to know about it. As the guardians of your club you know that the above statements are true but out of duty of care we want to know this too.   TriMark Club Bronze is designed to help your club achieve this and recognise your club for upholding its high standards.  

As juniors (those under 18 years of age) are at a vulnerable stage of their lives it is important for clubs to have the right safeguarding protocols in place. As such we have a collective responsibility to ensure that all those taking part in our sport do so in the safest and best environment possible. TriMark Club Accreditation is Triathlon’s way of demonstrating a club has the right protocols and measures in place.

An outline of the TriMark Club Bronze criteria for clubs with juniors:

  • The club committee can demonstrate meeting the safeguarding standards required for the juniors under its care.
  • The club has a trained Welfare Officer.
  • The club’s junior coaches have been DBS checked, they are insured and have the right level of qualification appropriate for coaching juniors.

This means:

  • Parents and Guardians can search for a club that has reached an appropriate standard of Duty of Care that meets national guidelines.
  • The club demonstrates to local facility providers that children under their care are properly supervised whilst using its facilities..


What is a TriMark Club?

A TriMark Club is recognised as a safe, rewarding and inclusive place for anyone wanting to participate in the sport of triathlon. A TriMark Club has reached a recognised level of accreditation that reassures participants, parents, guardians and external stakeholders that the club is well managed, has adopted and follows all of British Triathlon’s procedures, policies and guidelines.

A TriMark Club has met a set of criteria in the following areas to become accredited:

  • Club management
  • Safeguarding
  • Training and coaching Offer
  • Community representation

TriMark Club Accreditation is valid for three years and a club will be reviewed on affiliation each year. This supports clubs in ensuring that all volunteers have the correct qualifications and insurance to hold positions on the committee or to coach or lead sessions. For clubs with children and young people under the age of 18 years of age, this ensures all club welfare officers and coaches have a DBS and the appropriate training.


What are the benefits?

The main benefits are the support available to the club, these include:

  • Attaining a recognised accreditation benchmark.
  • Providing a benchmark for new members looking for a recognised and supportive club that will support their sporting journey.
  • An asset pack with a TriMark Club certificate and logos for use on social media and club website.
  • Access to your Regional Manager to support your club development - contact your local Regional Manager
  • Guidance documents to support the running of your club - see club resources page
  • Support with funding applications.
  • Priority access to British Triathlon courses, CPD workshops and other regional opportunities when advertised.
  • Club committee have a set of operating instructions that have met accreditation standards demonstrating the club is managed and administered in line with British Triathlon standards.


How does a club apply for TriMark Club Bronze Accreditation?

To gain TriMark Club Bronze accreditation, a club must be affiliated to Triathlon England. On application, the club is assessed against a set of criteria to ensure it meets the necessary standards.

The criteria are broken down into four distinct areas as follows:

Club Management
  • The club affiliates to Triathlon England
  • The club has an open, non-discriminatory and up-to-date constitution
  • The club has a management committee with defined roles and responsibilities
Training and Coaching Offer
  • The club has at least one Level I coach (post October 2016)
  • The club has written roles/responsibilities laid down and assigned to all coaches involved with delivery
  • The club provides a minimum of one coached club training session per week for all abilities
Community Representation
  • The club has an open and inclusive membership offer
  • All of the club’s voluntary workforce, including committee members volunteers and coaches, abide by a code of conduct

To apply for TriMark Club Bronze, a club should open the club management page and log into their account. From here the club needs to complete the TriMark Club Bronze form. If you have all the information the form should take no more than 30 minutes to complete - top tip: view the form first, then collect all the information you need to complete the form. Once the form is submitted, your Regional Manager will then contact you to explain the next stages.


Further Information

The club resources page has a wealth of guidance and templates such as club constitution, committee job descriptions and other information to provide support for clubs. Other information in running your club can be found on these links:

  • Coaches who coach athletes under the age of 18 years of age will need to apply for a DBS check. Once completed, this is valid for three years from the date of issue.
  • Safeguarding and Protecting Children (SPC) workshop. This is compulsory for all coaches working with athletes under the age of 18 years. Coaches working only with adults can attend the SPC workshop or attend the UK Coaching’s Safeguarding Adults workshop.
  • Welfare officers who need to attend a Time to Listen course can find more information on this webpage
  • Those clubs with juniors will find the Young Persons Guide useful in helping to shape their club’s junior programme.
  • There are also useful resources and guides for all clubs on the Club Matters website that will provide valuable information on running your club.
  • Useful information on funding can also be found on the Sport England website.


Need Further Help?

If you need further information, our Frequently Asked Questions page will most probably be able to answer it. If you need more information or assistance, then contact please contact your Regional Manager or email [email protected]


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